Saturday, April 10, 2010
When in doubt...
Friday, April 2, 2010
What About Your Friends?
I work at a university in a large city and everyday I see young people that do not think college is a reality. If there is anyone out there that has a true desire to attend college PLEASE let me know. In my current position I am mainly at community colleges advising students on what they must do to transfer to a 4 year institution. If you are in high school now and want to attend college, but may not have the grades or test scores...go to a community college and transfer. I know it may seem like it is easier said than done, but the process is not a difficult one. I am all about empowerment and uplifting young people so if you have any questions about your education (or anything else) me at and I will answer your questions!
~Miss Guide
Just Do You

Okay...first off...I wear my hair natural. Does that mean I think everyone should? No, it doesn't....Does that mean I think everyone could? Yes, I do. But that isn't what this is about...this is about the different standards of beauty and how beautiful we as Black women really are. Yes I know we are much more than our hair, but this picture of Yaya with her hair puffed out in all its glory is smoking!!! I love her big healthy hair!!!! Hear me now (well read, but you get it) I am not one of those "Nappy Nazi" types that think all Black women should cut off their processed hair. Not at all. I appreciate all types of beauty. I just wish more sisters did the same. Ladies...we really are beautiful...all of us. A little later down the road I will share my journey to natural hair and how I came to accept the person in the mirror. We may all have our cycles of self esteem issues (for the most part I am your average vain Leo, but there are times when I don't feel as gorgeous as I should...that was a joke...the vain part...well a little) but we should never allow someone else to determine how we feel about ourselves.
Too Late For Regrets...
I can't believe really happened. We DID IT!!!!!!!!! Not sure how I feel, but I know I love him and we were meant to be. first time. So happy...
April 2, 2010
Ask me if the guy and I are still together. Go ahead...ask me. Better yet ask me how long we stayed together after that entry. I'm sure you all know the answer. That was a piece of my journal entry from high school. I read it every so often to see how far I've come, but then's a little depressing. My younger self was so in need of love. "She" mistook the small amount attention from a boy that was lost himself and convinced herself she was in love...and even more so she believed he loved her. We talked on the phone every day, he walked me to class, we held hands, and he was SOOOOO good looking! Pretty much the highest of standards in high school, right? Plus he was popular, but he also had a bad temper, was a little jealous and quite possessive of my time. I overlooked it because I really did have deep feelings for him. Our break up was ugly...I mean real ugly. He was with a new girl a day later and I was stuck crying into my pillow for months...if I'm honest with myself I will admit that I carried hurt feelings all through high school. I had to see him with a new girlfriend and I was stuck hurting. Of course I dated other guys, but no one ever was able to replace "My First" in my heart. So what is my lesson in all this? Am I going to tell you to wait until you are married? I would never tell you that, but I do wish someone would have explained to me that while my body may be feeling certain things, my heart was not ready for what happens once you become intimate with someone. No one told me to think about the way I would feel once we broke up. No one told me that one day there would be someone that I wished I would have saved myself for. Do I regret that day? Hmmm...regret is a strong word. To this day I still say that in my own little high school way I really did love him (as much as I could at that time) so I don't know if I regret it or not. Do I wish it would have turned out differently? Yes! Hell Yes! Not to say I wish we could have stayed together...we were never right for each other, but I do wish I would have waited until I was a little more mature to handle all the emotions. Strangely enough we thought it would be a good idea to get back together freshman year in college...EPIC FAIL!!!!! It's all good though...I met my husband sophomore year and "My First" has since stopped dating Black girls. Hmmm...we are so not going there...
I want this to be a place where we (I say we because I feel like I am talking directly to you all)can exchange stories and ideas about different things. We will focus on REAL LIFE situations. I will share my stories in a very candid way. I promise...No holds barred! We will talk about relationships, not just with males, but with friends and parents because let's face it...friendships can be toxic and even though parents are the ones we should be able to run to...this is not always the case. We will talk about REAL beauty...not the video images. I am a firm believer in education and since I work in higher ed...if you have any college questions please feel free to contact me. We will talk about health issues...and that includes mental health ladies...a wounded spirit will affect the physical body. There will be an advice section, I will do interviews with some of my male friends for a little translation in "Boyspeak", and I will also interview my female friends that have been through it, but made it out...maybe with a few battle scars...but the point is that they survived! There is more to come, but in true ladylike fashion...I won't give it all away up front! So stop by often, read, leave a comment, and if you have something you would like to add or ask...please e-mail me at
~Miss Guide