Friday, April 2, 2010


The whole focus on this blog is young, Black females. I'm not excluding anyone...But I'm celebrating a certain population...a widely ignored population. Our young sisters are repeatedly looked over in mass marketing. How many magazines are focusing on young, BLACK women? None! Ebony and Essence are for older, self sufficient, established Black women. Sister 2 Sister is for those wanting all the gossip and interviews...I want to do something different. I won't even mention Seventeen and Teen Vogue because we know that Black females are not the main focus. The shelves at bookstores is a bigger insult. I love Twilight like everyone else (no really I do), but will there ever be a young woman that looks like me in a story in the Young Adult section...and better yet...If so; will the story be relevant and REAL?
I want this to be a place where we (I say we because I feel like I am talking directly to you all)can exchange stories and ideas about different things. We will focus on REAL LIFE situations. I will share my stories in a very candid way. I promise...No holds barred! We will talk about relationships, not just with males, but with friends and parents because let's face it...friendships can be toxic and even though parents are the ones we should be able to run to...this is not always the case. We will talk about REAL beauty...not the video images. I am a firm believer in education and since I work in higher ed...if you have any college questions please feel free to contact me. We will talk about health issues...and that includes mental health ladies...a wounded spirit will affect the physical body. There will be an advice section, I will do interviews with some of my male friends for a little translation in "Boyspeak", and I will also interview my female friends that have been through it, but made it out...maybe with a few battle scars...but the point is that they survived! There is more to come, but in true ladylike fashion...I won't give it all away up front! So stop by often, read, leave a comment, and if you have something you would like to add or ask...please e-mail me at

~Miss Guide

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